Monday, January 25, 2016

Tough Days Call for some Inspiration.

My inspiration came from a young boy in Africa.  

"Through out my life I have been inspired by many people, however, when I was very young was when I was inspired the most. My parents financially supported a young boy and his family in Rwanda. Through the tragedies of war he had seen his father killed before his very eyes, and was now the “man” of the family at age twelve. He received the basics his family required to survive, and most importantly, an education in an actual school. When he turned eighteen he graduated from school and was able to support his family. We used to receive letters from this boy regularly. At Christmas we would send extra money and gifts to his family. As a very young girl, I remember giving all the money I had ($20 at the time) to him and his family so they could purchase a goat. This was a really big purchase for them. They would have milk to support their family. This experience has impacted me in a way, which I want to use my life to change other people’s lives, wherever that may be.
            Helping this boy has inspired me to help more children. There are so many children around the world that aren’t even given a chance at education, I would like to be one of the people that forever make a positive difference in their lives."

This was an essay question I answered when applying for the college I really wanted to attend; Gonzaga University. From when I was very young, I wanted to become a teacher, go to Gonzaga and eventually visit Africa. Even though there has been some extremely tough times this first year teaching, I can now look back and say I have accomplished all of those things. I attended Gonzaga University where I was able to study abroad in Zambia Africa and teach. Now, I am a first grade teacher. At the age of 24 I can say I am exactly where I want to be. Getting here has been a huge challenge, but I am here. I am a teacher and I love every single one of my students. Inspiration comes in all shapes and forms, on tough days you sometimes need to take a step back and remember what it means to be a teacher, and why you wanted to be one in the first place. 

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